We specialize in insurance claims.

Manners Glass & Door, in its 34th year has been serving the Canadian insurance industry with dependability and integrity.

Our clients in the insurance industry rely on us with good reason; The difference is our service! We provide only one kind of service - the best! The best in our industry. The best for you and your company's needs. Because, when you need claims processed accurately and honestly, Manners does it right. The first time!

Whether you handle personal lines claims or handle large commercial claims, Manners has the right approach, the honest approach, the approach you can count on. Everytime.

Your clients will feel assured in dealing with Manners Glass & Door. Our staff are photo ID'd and of course, fully insured.

What does it really cost our insurance company to replace that window or door?

If there's any doubt about the "actual" costs, maybe it's time to try the Manners approach. Then you'll know for certain that you're not being over-charged.

Manners Glass & Door will service your clients' insurance needs Immediately! 24hrs/Day!

Our customers know us as reliable experts.

That's why they say...
The difference is our service!